KS Chuang, HH Lin (2016) Method, Apparatus and System of the Correction of Energy Crosstalk in Dual-Isotopes Simultaneous Acquisition, US Patent (pending)
莊克士、林信宏 (2016) 雙同位素同時攫取的能量交疊修正的方法、裝置及系統,台灣專利證書號 # I552728
KS Chuang, HH Lin (2015) System for Reusing Triple Event Data in PET and Method, Program Product thereof, US Patent # 13/721,723
莊克士、林信宏 (2015) 將正子攝影中三重事件數據再利用之系統、方法及程式,台灣專利證書號:I 5051051
莊克士 (2014) 雙光子發射性斷層掃描系統及方法,台灣專利證書號:THPA-2010008
莊克士、林信宏 (2013)雙光子發射性斷層掃描系統,台灣專利證書號: I 380801
KS Chuang (2011) BS-SPECT for high resolution imaging, US Patent (pending)
KS Chuang (2010) Dual Photons Emission Computed Tomography System, US Patent公開號#20100294941 (pending)
ML Jan, KS Chuang, YC Ni (2010) Image reconstruction method for structuring two-dimensional planar imaging into three-dimension imaging, US Patent # 7,748,452
詹美齡、莊克士、倪于晴 (2010) 二維平面造影呈現三維影像的影像重建方法,台灣專利證書號:337329
ML Jan, KS Chuang, YC Ni (2009) Image reconstruction method for structuring two-dimensional planar imaging into three-dimension imaging, Japan Patent #4414410
莊克士(2008) 不純性正子斷層掃描的影像系統,台灣專利公開號 # 200831939 (pending)
KS Chuang (2008) Imaging System and Method for the Non-pure Positron Emission Tomography, US Patent #7,381,960
莊克士、吳傑、詹美齡 (2006) 輻射性斷層掃描器的散射修正裝置和方法,台灣專利證書號: 1269054
KS Chuang, J Wu, and ML Jan (2005) Scatter correction device for radiative tomographic scanner, US Patent # 6,921,902.
Chuang KS (1994) Steering Wheel Security Device, US Patent # 5,333,478.
Chuang KS (1994) Variable Resistance Computer Wheel Input, US Patent #5,370,536.
Chuang KS (1993) Variable Effort Joystick for Computer Input, US Patent #5,228,356.
莊克士,新型高解析度單光子發射性斷層掃瞄系統,(2011) 技術轉移工研院, 技轉金額:$300,000
放射治療劑量學(2013) ,王鵬程主編,莊克士校訂,合記出版社
醫學影像物理學,第二版,(2012) ,莊克士編著,合記出版社
醫學影像物理學,第一版,(1998) ,莊克士編著,合記出版社
發明展金牌, Lai Lu-Han, Lu Chia-Chun, Lin Jao-Perng, Yu Cheng-Chen, Chuang Keh-Shih, 高雄KIDE國際發明展(2015),“The Technology and Equipment of OSLD for Radiological Medicine and Healthy Physics“
發明展銀牌, Lai Lu-Han, Lin Jao-Perng, Chuang Keh-Shih, 台北國際發明暨技術交易展(2015),“The Reader System and Apparatus for Optical Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter“
(after 2003, * Corresponding author)
Lee, J. C., Chuang, K. S., Chen, Y. W., Hsu, F. Y., Chou, F. I., Yen, S. H., & Wu, Y. H. (2017). Preliminary dosimetric study on feasibility of multi-beam boron neutron capture therapy in patients with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma without craniotomy. PloS one, 12(6), e0180461.(SCI)
Chen, S. C. J., Hsieh, Y. J., Tyan, Y. C., Chuang, K. S., Lai, J. J., & Chang, C. C. (2017). Adapted estimate of neural activity based on blood-oxygen-level dependent signal by a model-free spatio-temporal clustering analysis. Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, 43, 6-14.
LH Lai, AY Lo*, KS Chuang, HH Lin, YC Liu, PL Liu, JP Lin (2017) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Radiation Response of Au/Al2O3 Phosphors Radiat. Phys. Chem. (SCI) (In Press)
LH Lai, KS Chuang, HH Lin, YC Liu, CW Kuo, JP Lin* (2017) Comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and volumetric-modulated arc therapy dose measurement for head and neck cancer using optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter Radiat. Phys. Chem. (SCI) (In Press)
HH Lin, SL Peng, J Wu, TY Shih, KS Chuang, CT Shih* (2017) A novel two-compartment model for calculating bone volume fractions and bone mineral densities from computed tomography images.IEEE Medical Imaging (SCI) (In Press)
CC Lu, SL Dong, HH Lin*, KS Chuang, YC Ni, ML Jan (2017) Noninvasive measurement of radiopharmaceutical time–activity data using external thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Phys Med Biol.62N58-N72 (SCI)
CS Chang, JM Hwang, PA Tai, YK Chang, YN Wang, R Shih, KS Chuang (2016) Optimal technique of linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery for tumors adjacent to brainstem. Med. Dosim. Autumn;41(3):248-52 (SCI)
MC Lee, KS Chuang, MK Chen, KW Lee, HY Tsai, HH Lin* (2016) Fuzzy c-means clustering of magnetic resonance imaging on apparent diffusion coefficient maps for predicting nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer. 89(1063):20150059 (SCI)
HH Lin, HT Chang, TC Chao, KS Chuang* (2016) A comparison of two prompt gamma imaging techniques with collimator-based cameras for range verification in proton therapy.Radiat. Phys. Chem. (In Press) (SCI)
CS Chang, YH Tseng, JM Hwang, R Shih, KS Chuang*(2016) Dosimetric characteristics and day-to-day performance of an amorphous-silicon type electronic portal imaging device.Radiat. Meas. 91 9-14 (SCI)
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, SY Chen, ML Jan (2016) Recovering triple coincidence of non-pure positron emitters in preclinical PET.Phys. Med. Biol. 61 1904-1931 (SCI)
CS Lin, HH Lin, YC Ni, ML Jan, KP Lu, KS Chuang* (2016) Application of the intraoperative dual photon emission computed tomography system in sentinel lymph node detection: a simulation study. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 108-116 (SCI)
CT Shih, YJ Chang, JT Hsu, KS Chuang, SJ Chang, J Wu (2015) Image reconstruction of optical computed tomography by using the algebraic reconstruction technique for dose readouts of polymer gel dosimeters.Phy.Medica. 31 942–947 (SCI)
YC Liu, KS Chuang, CC Yu, JH Chao, & FY Hsu (2015) Evaluation of the medical exposure doses regarding dental examinations with different X-ray instruments. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 116 386-392 (SCI)
CH Yanga, YT Lin, YH Hung, JW Liao, JJ Peir, HM Liu, YL Lin, YM Liu, YW Cheng, K.S Chuang, FI Chou (2015) Autoradiographic and histopathological studies of boric acid-mediated BNCT in hepatic VX2 tumor-bearing rabbits: Specific boron retention and damage in tumor and tumor vessels. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 106 176-180 (SCI)
CH Yang, KT Chou, MB Chung, KS Chuang, TC Huang (2015) Automatic Detection of Calcaneal-Fifth Metatarsal Angle Using Radiograph: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Flat Foot for Military New Recruits in Taiwan. PLoS One.10(6) e0131387 (SCI)
CC Chuang, CH Shao, CT Shih, YC Yeh, CC Lu, KS Chuang, J Wu (2014) A preliminary study of the thermal measurement with nMAG gel dosimeter by MRI. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 104 404-407 (SCI)
YL Liao, YS Chen, NK Lai, KS Chuang, HY Tsai (2014) Overbeaming and overlapping of volume-scan CT with tube current modulation in a 320-detector row CT scanner. Radiat. Phys. Chem.104 225-229 (SCI)
CC Lu, HH Lin, KS Chuang*, SL Dong, J Wu, YC Ni, and ML Jan (2014) Development and validation of a fast voxel-based dose evaluation system in nuclear medicine.Radiat. Phys. Chem. 104 355-359 (SCI)
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, YH Lin, YC Ni, J Wu, ML Jan (2014) Efficient simulation of voxelized phantom in GATE with embedded SimSET multiple photon history generator. Phys. Med. Biol. 59 6231-6250 (SCI)
CT Shih, J Wu, HH Lin, SJ Chang, KS Chuang (2014) A novel adaptive discrete cosine transform-domain filter for gap-inpainting of high resolution PET scanners. Med. Phys. 41(8):082501 (SCI)
KH Lue, HH Lin, CH Kao, HJ Hsieh, SH Liu, KS Chuang* (2014) A simple algorithm for subregional striatal uptake analysis with partial volume correction in dopaminergic PET imaging.Ann. Nucl. Med. 28 (1) 33-41 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, CC Lu, HH Lin, SL Dong, HJ Yang, CT Shih, CH Lin, WL Yao, YC Ni, ML Jan, SJ Chang (2014) Improvements on a patient-specific dose estimation system in nuclear medicine examination. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry158 (1) 1-7 (SCI)
CS Lin, KS Chuang*, HH Lin, WJ Yao, ML Jan (2013) A hybrid scatter correction method combining the SSS Algorithm and the beam stopper method for 3D PET.IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 (5) 3410-3416 (SCI)
YL Liao, NK Lai, YS Tyan, KS Chuang, HY Tsai* (2013) Automatic tube current modulation for volume scan in a 320-detector row CT scanner.Radiat. Meas. 56 328-332 (SCI)
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, CC Lu, YC Ni, ML Jan (2013) Use of beam stoppers to correct random and scatter coincidence in PET: A Monte Carlo simulation.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 711 27–37 (SCI)
HH Chen, J Wu*, KS Chuang, JF Lin, LJ Cheng, JC Lin (2013) Total body irradiation with step translation and dynamic field-matching. Biomed. Res. Int. 2013: 216034(SCI)
MC Lee, HY Tsai, KS Chuang, CK Liu, MK Chen* (2013) Prediction of Nodal Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer Using a 3T MRI ADC Map.AJNR Am. J. Neuroradiol.34 864-869 (SCI)
CC Chuang, CS Chang, YS Tyan, KS Chuang, HT Tu, CF Huang* (2012) Use of apparent diffusion coefficients in evaluating the response of vestibular schwannomas to Gamma Knife surgery. J Neurosurg117(SS) 63-68 (SCI
YL Liao, HC Kao, KS Chuang, CP Chen, HY Tsai* (2011) CT dose estimation using Gafchromic XR-CT film: Models comparison.Radiat. Meas. 46 2052-2055 (SCI)
HC Kuo*, KS Chuang, D Mah, A Wu, L Hong, R Yaparpalvi, S Kalniki (2011) Multi-scale regularization approaches of non-parametric deformable registrations. J. Dig. Img. 24(4) 586-597 (SCI)
SL Dong, TC Chu, GY Lan, YC Lin, YH Yeh and KS Chuang* (2011) Development of an adjustable model breast for mammographic dosimetry assessment in Taiwanese women. Am. J. Roentgenol. 196 W476-481 (SCI)
SL Dong, JL Su, Y H Yeh, TC Chu, YC Lin, and KS Chuang* (2011) Development of an imaging-planning program for screen/film and computed radiography mammography for short chest-wall-to-nipple-distance breasts. British J. Radiol. 84 350-357 (SCI)
CL Guo, HH Lin, KS Chuang, ML Jan, SH Lo, YW Wang (2011) Correction of Non-true Coincidence in 3D PET Using Beam Stopper Device.Therapeut.Radiol.Oncol.18(1) 59-67
SL Dong, TC Chu, YC Lin, G Lan, YH Yeh, S Chen, KS Chuang* (2011) Determination of equivalent breast phantoms for different age groups of Taiwanese women: An experimental approach. Med. Phys. 38 (7) 4094-4100 (SCI)
IM Hwang, J Wu, KS Chuang, HJ Ding* (2010) An alternative effective method for verifying the multileaf collimator leaves speed by using a digital video imaging system. Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 623 867-871 (SCI)
S Chen, TJ Ross, KS Chuang, EA Stein, Y Yang, W Zhan* (2010) A new approach to estimating the signal dimension of concatenated resting-state functional MRI data sets. Magn.Reson. Imaging 28(9) 1344-1352 (SCI)
HC Kuo*, WS Liu, A Wu, D Mah, KS Chuang, L Hong, R Yaparpalvi, C Guha, S Kalnicki (2010) Biological impact of geometric uncertainties: what margin is needed for intra-hepatic tumors? Rad. Oncol. 5 48 (SCI)
HC Kuo*, D Mah, KS Chuang, A Wu, L Hong, R Yaparpalvi, M Spierer and S Kalnicki (2010) A method incorporating 4DCT data for evaluating the dosimetric effects of respiratory motion in single-arc IMAT. Phys. Med. Biol. 55 3479-3497 (SCI)
SL Peng, CC Chuang, KS Chuang, WC Kwan, YT Kuo, CF Chen, CY Chen, S Chen* (2009) Spatial-Temporal Clustering Analysis in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Phys. Med. Biol. 54 7301-7314 (SCI)
S Chen, TJ Ross, W Zhan, CS Myers, KS Chuang, JJ Pan, SJ Heishman, EA Stein, Y Yang* (2008) Group Independent Component Analysis Reveals Consistent Resting-State Networks across Multiple Sessions. Brain Research 1239 141-151 (SCI)
HH Lin, J Wu*, CC Chuang, CC Lu, KS Chuang, IM Hwang, ML Jan (2008) Scatter correction in microPET using beam stopper method.Ann. Nucl. Med. Sci. 21 3 141-150 (in Chinese)
TJ Chen, KS Chuang*, S Chen, JC Lu, and YH Shiao (2007) A Novel Image Smoothing Filter using Membership Function.J. Digital Img. 20(4) 381-392 (SCI)
YH Shiao, KS Chuang*, TJ Chen, CY Chen (2007) Polygon interpolation for serial cross sections.Comp. Biol. Med. 37(9) 1241-1251 (SCI)
HH Chen, J Wu*, KS Chuang, HC Kuo (2007) Correction of respiratory motion for IMRT using aperture adaptive technique and visual guidance: a feasibility study.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 577 734-740 (SCI)
HC Kuo, KS Chuang*, WS Liu, A Wu, R Lalonde (2007) Analysis of the organ motion effects on the effective fluences for liver IMRT. Phys. Med. Biol. 52 4227-4244 (SCI)
YH Shiao, TJ Chen, KS Chuang*, CH Lin, and CC Chuang (2007) Quality of Compressed Medical Images.J. Digital Img. 20(2) 149-159 (SCI)
MC Lee, KS Chuang, HC Chen, and KW Lee (2007) Using the test bolus technique with saline flush to improve image quality in 16-detector row CT coronary artery angiography. Taiwanese J. Appl. Rad. Isotope 3(2) 289-296
J Wu, SJ Chang, KS Chuang*, YW Hsueh, KC Yeh, JN Wangand WP Tsai (2007) Dose evaluation of boron neutron capture synovectomy using the THOR epithermal neutron beam: a feasibility study. Phys. Med. Biol. 52 1747-1756 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, TJ Chen, CC Chang, J Wu, S Chen, LC Wu, and RS Liu (2006) Reduction of Motion Artifacts for PET Imaging by Respiratory Correlated Dynamic Scanning. Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 569 458-461 (SCI)
ML Jan, YC Ni, KW Chen, HC Liang, KS Chuang*,YK Fu (2006) A Combined Micro-PET/CT Scanner for Small Animal Imaging.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 569 314-318 (SCI)
YC Ni,ML Jan, KW Chen, YD Cheng, KS Chuang*,YK Fu (2006) Magnitude and effects of x-ray scatter of a cone-beam Micro-CT for small animal imaging. Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 569 245-249 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, HH Lin, J Wu, ML Jan (2006) Optimisation of scatter correction based on the use of partially transparent beam stoppers in PET.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 569 175-179 (SCI)
S Chen, HL Liu, Y Yang, YY Hsu, KS Chuang*(2006) Determination of Arterial Input Function in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI using Group Independent Component Analysis Technique.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 569 617-621 (SCI)
TJ Chen, KS Chuang*, JH Chang, YH Shiao and CC Chuang (2006) A blurring index for medical images. J. Digital Img. 19(2) 118-126 (SCI)
J Wu, YM Yang, IJ Chen, HT Chen, KS Chuang* (2006) Reevaluation of the emergency planning zone for nuclear power plants in Taiwan using MACCS2 Code. Appl. Radiat. Isot.64 448-454 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, HL Tzeng, Sharon Chen, J Wu, and TJ Chen (2006) Fuzzy C-means clustering with spatial information for image segmentation.Comput. Med. Img. Graph.30: 9-15 (SCI)
Jan ML*, Ni YC, KS Chuang, Liang HC, Fu YK (2006), Detection-ability evaluation of the PEImager for positron emission mammography applications. PhysicaMedica 21 109-113 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, HH Chen, HC Kuo, YC Lin, WS Liu, JS Jan, and YC Chen (2006) The feasibility study in the correction of respiratory motion for IMRT. Therapeut.Radiol.Oncol.13(1) 57-65 (In Chinese)
J Wu, J Chang, *KS Chuang, IM Huang, CH Tsai, and KH Chi (2006) Image-based metal artifact correction for computed tomography. C. J. Radiol. Tech. 30 79-86 (In Chinese)
J Wu, HH Lin, KS Chuang (2005) A Review of Scatter Correction Methods for Three-Dimensional Positron Emission Tomography.Ann. Nucl. Med. Sci. 18 225-233 (In Chinese)
KS Chuang*, J Wu, ML Jan, S Chen, CH Hsu (2005) Novel scatter correction for three-dimensional positron emission tomography by use of a beam stopper device. Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 551 540-552 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, ML Jan, J Wu,JC Lu, S Chen, CH Hsu and YK Fu (2005) A Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization Algorithm with Thresholding.Comput. Med. Img. Graph. 29 571-578 (SCI)
J Wu, KS Chuang*,CH Hsu, ML Jan, IM Hwang, and TJ Chen (2005) Scatter correction for 3D PET using beam stoppers combined with dual-energy window acquisition. Phys. Med. Biol. 50 4593-4607 (SCI)
ML Jan, KS Chuang*, YC Ni, J Wu, CC Pei, CK Yeh and YK Fu (2005) Feasibility Study of Using PEImager Scanner For Positron Emission Mammography. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.52(5) 1406-12 (SCI)
CH Tsai, KS Chuang*, SH Hsu, CS Hsu, HC Tai, KW Chi (2005) A comparison between fluorescent light and laser light film digitizers for film dosimetry.Therapeut.Radiol.Oncol. 12(2) 143-151
ML Jan, KS Chuang*, GW Chen,YC Ni, S Chen, CH Chang, J Wu, TW Lee,YK Fu (2005) A Three-Dimensional Registration Technique for Automated Fusion of Micro PET-CT-SPECT Whole-Body Images. IEEE Trans. Med. Img. 24(7) 886-893 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, ML Jan, J Wu, S Chen, YC Ni, YK Fu (2004) The Thresholding MLEM Algorithm. J. Med. Biol. Eng. 24(2) 85-91 (SCI)
TJ Chen, KS Chuang*, YC Chiang, JH Chang and RS Liu (2004) A statistical method for quality evaluation of medical images: a case study in bit discarding and image compression. Comput. Med. Img. Graph. 28:167-175. (SCI)
SY Lin, KS Chuang, MS Lee, JR Wan, HJ Ding, IM Hwang* (2004) A study on the front-end region leakage of opposed abutted multi-leaf collimator leaves. C. J. Radiologic Tech. 28 11-18
J Wu, BJ Chang, SJ Chang, JC Chuang, KS Chuang, IJ Chen, JH Chiu (2003) Internal Dose Evaluation and Comparison Using Reference Man and Personal Hybrid Phantom in Treatment of Thyroid with131I. Ann. Nucl. Med. Sci. 16 203-210 (In Chinese)
T Chen, KS Chuang*, JC Chen, Jay Wu, ML Jan, RS Liu, CH Hsu (2003) Simplification of the Probability Matrix in Statistical Reconstruction for PET image. Ann. Nucl. Med. Sci. 16 137-142 (in Chinese)
IM Hwang, SY Lin, LC Lin, KS Chuang and HJ Ding* (2003) Alternative effective modality of Leipzig-Applicator with an Electron Beam for the Treatment of Superficial Malignancies.Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 508 460-466 (SCI)
TJ Chen, KS Chuang*, J Wu, Sharon Chen, IM Hwang, and ML Jan (2003) Quality Degradation in Lossy Wavelet Image Compression.J. Digital Img. 16(2) 210-215 (SCI)
Chen TJ, Chuang KS*, Wu J, Sharon Chen, Hwang IM, and Jan ML (2003) A Novel Image Quality Index Using Moran I Statistics.Phys. Med. Biol. 48 N131-137 (SCI)
Tsai CH, Chuang KS*, Tai HC, Chou CC, Shiau AC, Lin FJ (2003) A preliminary study of improved film dosimetry for IMRT. Therapeut.Radiol.Oncol. 10(1) 53-62 (in Chinese)
Chuang KS*, Chen TJ, Kuo SC, Jan ML, Hwang IM, Sharon Chen, Lin YC, and Wu J (2003) Determination of Beam Intensity in Single Step for IMRT Inverse Planning.Phys. Med. Biol. 48 293-306 (SCI)
KS Chuang*, HH Lin, ZJ Wei, CC Chiang, YH Lee, YF
Wang, CS Lin (2016) Optimization of Filter Thickness in Filtering Technique for
DISA Crosstalk Compensation Annual Congress of the European Association of
Nuclear Medicine, Spain, (Suppl. 1): S390
KS Chuang*, HH Lin, CC Chiang, YF Wang, ZJ Wei, YC Ni, TY Luo (2016) A
Crosstalk Compensation for Simultaneous 99mTc/123I Dual-isotope SPECT Imaging by
Filtering Technique and Artificial Neural Network, Spain, (Suppl. 1): S511
HH Lin, CC Chiang, KH Lue, YC. Ni, KS Chuang* (2016) Improvement of the
distortion effect in dual head PET scanner for breast imaging using an add-on
Compton camera Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine,
Spain, (Suppl. 1): S386
CC Chiang, KS Chuang*, HH Lin, YC Ni (2016) Stochastic origin ensemble
image reconstruction algorithm for timeof-flight dual photons emission computed
tomography system Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear
Medicine, Spain, (Suppl. 1): S505
KH Lue, HH Lin, CS Lin, CC Chiang, KS Chuang* Effects of Random, Scatter,
Attenuation, and Partial Volume Corrections on the Quantification of
Dopaminergic PET imaging Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear
Medicine, Spain, (Suppl. 1): S615
CH Lin*, YC Tsai, HH Lin, KS Chuang, CC Chiang (2016) Prostate Brachytherapy Activity Measurement and Source Localization by Using a Dual Photon Emission Computed Tomography System: A Feasibility Study, AAPM 58th Annual meeting and exhibition, DC, United States, (Accepted)
LH Lai, KS Chuang, JP Lin*, YC Liu (2016) In Vivo Dose Verification of Thin Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter in Head and Neck Cancer for Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Techniques, 2nd International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Guildford, United Kingdom, (Accepted)
CY Lee, HH Lin*, TC Chao, IT Hsiao, HY Tsai, KS Chuang (2016) The Impact of Counting Statistics on the Accuracy of Model-based Range Verification in Proton Therapy Using PET, 2nd International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Guildford, United Kingdom, (Accepted)
LH Lai, KS Chuang, AY Lo, JP Lin*, YC Liu (2016) The Study of Au/Al2O3 Phosphors in Optically Stimulated Luminescence Radiation Response, 2nd International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Guildford, United Kingdom, (Accepted)
CY Lee, HH Lin*, TC Chao, IT Hsiao, HY Tsai, KS Chuang (2016) Assessment of physical factors influencing the accuracy of in-vivo proton range verification with PET: a Monte Carlo study, 18th International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation therapy, London, United Kingdom, (Accepted)
HH Lin, ZJ Wei, CC Chiang, KS Chuang* (2015) An integrated framework of recovering triple coincidence for enhancing PET sensitivity, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, (Suppl. 2): P055
KS Chuang*, ZJ Wei, HH Lin (2015) Analysis of Inter-Detector Scattering in PET with Various Energy Window Settings, European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, (Suppl. 2): P075
ML Su, KS Chuang* (2015) Dynamic feature selection for detecting Parkinson's disease through voice signal, RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-BIO), 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on, Phoenix, USA, P.148-149
CY Lee, HH Lin, IT Hsiao, TC Chao, KS Chuang* (2015) Validation of an analytical model for in vivo range verification using GATE Monte Carlo simulation in proton therapy, AAPM 57th Annual meeting and exhibition, California, United States, (Suppl. 2): SU-E-J-14
YH Li, HH Lin, KS Chuang, CC Chiang, YH Chung (2015) Down-scatter Correction for Simultaneous Dual Isotopes Tc -99m/F-18 Imaging with Sharing Detector, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, California, United States, (Suppl. 2): M4CP-158
YC Liu, KS Chuang, CC Yu, JH Chao, FY Hsu (2015) Evaluation of the medical exposure doses regarding dental examinations with different X-ray instruments, 9th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications, Valencia, Spain, P.386-392
KS Chuang*, CH Chien, HH Lin, KH Lue, CC Chiang, ML Jan (2014) Dual Isotopes Simultaneous Acquisition of Tc-99m and F-18 using PET with beam stopper device, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, (Suppl. 2): P002
KS Chuang*, KH Lue, HH Lin, HC Wang, YC Ni, ML Jan (2014) Improved attenuation correction method for SPECT by iterative filtered backprojection reconstruction, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, (Suppl. 2): P027
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, YH Li, CH Chien, CC Chiang, KH Lue, CS Lin (2014) Investigation of Crosstalk Effects for Simultaneous Dual Tracer Imaging in Preclinical PET Using Slit-Slat Collimator, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, (Suppl. 2): P198
YF Wang, SC Lin, CH Lu, KH Lue, LH Lai, KS Chuang* (2014) A Novel Application of SIFT Technique to Microcalcification Detection , AAPM 56th Annual Meeting and exhibition, Texas, United States, (Suppl. 2):SU-E-I-5
SC Lin, YF Wang, KH Lue, HH Lin, KS Chuang* (2014) An Improved Technique for Scatter Correction in PET, AAPM 56thAnnual Meeting and exhibition, Texas, United States, (Suppl. 2):SU-E-I-7
CC Lu, HH Lin, KS Chuang* (2013) Development and validation of a patient-specific dose evaluation system: SimDose, 1st International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, P.168
CC Chiang, KS Chuang*, HH Lin, ML Jan (2013) Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Time-of-Flight Dual Photons Emission Computed Tomography System, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 40 (Suppl 2): S296
CC Chiang, KS Chuang*, HH Lin, ML Jan (2013) Simultaneous F-18 and Se-75 dual-isotope imaging using TOF-PET scanner: Effect of Down-Scatter, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging40 (Suppl 2):S305
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, CH Chien, KH Lue, CC Chiang, ML Jan (2013) Simultaneous SPECT and PET dual-tracer imaging using beam stopper device, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 40 (Suppl 2): S314
KH Lue, HH Lin, CH Kao, HJ Hsieh, SH Liu, KS Chuang* (2013) Partial Volume Correction for Subregional Analysis of Striatal Uptake in Dopaminergic PET Imaging, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 40 (Suppl 2):S346
KS Chuang*, HH Lin, CH Chien, CW Shen, ML Su, YC Ni, ML Jan (2013)SPECT without collimators, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging40 (Suppl 2): S410
KS Chuang*, JC Lu, HH Lin, SL Dong, YC Ni, ML Jan (2013) A Patient-Specific Dose Estimation in 18F-FDG Examination from External TLD Measurement, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging40 (Suppl 2):S506
KS Chuang*, HH Lin, S Wang, YC Ni, ML Jan (2012) Recycling of the triple event in PET, Eur. J.Nucl. Med. Mol. Img. vol 39 (Suppl. 2) S228, Italy
CC Chiang, KS Chuang*, HH Lin, C Lin, ML Jan (2012) Feasibility Study of a Time-of-Flight Dual Photons Emission Computed Tomography (TOF-DuPECT) System: A Monte Carlo Simulation,Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Img.,vol 39 (Suppl. 2) S395, Italy
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, S Chen, CC Chiang, C Lin, ML Jan (2012) Recycling of Triple Coincidences for Non-pure Positron Emitters in MiroPET Imaging, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Img.,vol 39 (Suppl. 2) S289, Italy
KS Chuang*, Y Shen, HH Lin, YC Ni, ML Jan (2012) Beam stopper SPECT (BS-SPECT) for high resolution imaging, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Img.,vol 39 (Suppl. 2) S291, Italy
CH. Lin, KS Chuang*, S Lu, HH Lin, ML Jan (2012) Application of An Intraoperative Dual-Gamma-Probe System in the Sentinel Lymph Node Detection: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Img,.vol 39 (Suppl. 2) S499, Italy
HH Lin, SL Dong, HJ Yang, S Chen, KS Chuang* (2011) Patient-specific dose evaluation in nuclear medicine examination using SimSET Monte Carlo code, Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation,Measurement Methods and their Applications, Belgium
CW Shen, YW Tsai, HH Lin, KS Chuang*, ML Jan (2011) Scatter Correction in TOF PET Using Beam Stopper Device, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Spain
HH Lin, KS Chuang*, YC Ni, ML Jan (2011) Efficient simulation of non-pure positron emitters in GATE embedded with SimSET multiple photon history generator,IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Spain
T Chen, HH Lin, KS Chuang (2010) Contrast Artifact Correction in CT-based Attenuation Correction.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 37 (Suppl 2): S285, Austria
KS Chuang, HH Lin, CS Lin, S Chen, M Jan (2010) Dose Evaluation in Nuclear Medicine Examination using SIMSET Monte Carlo Code.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 37 (Suppl 2):S315, Austria
CS Lin, HH Lin, KS Chuang (2010) Correction for Scatter Using Modified Beam Stopper Method Integrated with The Dual Energy Method, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 37 (Suppl 2):S335, Austria
SC Chen, KS Chuang, CS Lin, HH Lin, ML Jan (2010) Scatter Correction for PET Imaging with Beam Stopper in One Single Scan, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 37 (Suppl 2):S335, Austria
HH Lin, Y Tasi, CS Lin, KS Chuang (2010) Investigation of gamma Coincidence effect in I-124 TOF PET, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 37 (Suppl 2): S337, Austria
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KS Chuang, S Chen, HH Lin, CS Lin, ML Jan (2009) A Novel Random Correction Method for I-124 imaging in PET,Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 36 (Suppl 2): S414, Spain
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ML Jan, YC Ni , KS Chuang, CJ Liang, YK Fu(2004) Detection-Ability Evaluation of the PEImager for Positron Emission Mammography Application, 2004 IEEE NSS & MIC, Workshop on the Nuclear Radiology of Breast Cancer, Rome, Italy
ML Jan, KWChen, KS Chuang, WL Hsu, CJ Liang, JH Chang , DW Lee, YK Fu (2004) A Volume Registration Technique for Animal PET, CT and SPECT Images,The Third Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging, St. Louis, United States
YC Ni, ML Jan, KS Chuang, CK Yeh, WC Lin, YK Fu (2004) 以平面造影重建三維斷層影像的方法評估; 2004年中華民國核醫學學會暨正子研討會
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